2013 Nengajou

Nengajou design for 2013 – year of the Snake. In Japan, it is custom to have Kagami Mochi (鏡餅), 2 layers of round mochi rice cake,  as a decoration for the New Year. In this design, the mochi rice cake is actually the Snake, which represents the year 2013. 2013年、巳年にデザインした年賀状です。 鏡餅だと思いきゃカワイイ蛇です!!!!    

Baranoshonen – character design

This movie poster is for a character I designed called ‘Baranoshonen’, Rose kid, and was submitted for my graduation project. Other items were also designed and created for the project, such as CD disc and cover, movie pamphlet, stuffed toy, Rubiks cube, story book, playing cards. Concept Childrens hero character to protect the environment. Global environmental issues are not only issues for grown-ups. Children will grow up to be adults, and to them, the current environmental issues will be problems that they will have to deal with. Everyone on this planet is responsible for, and needs to take responsibility for the environmental issues. Air pollution, global warming, waste issues are […]

Mr Network

  This was a character that I designed for the Network Engineering Team. The design was eventually made into a T-shirt. Note that the head of the character is based on the RJ45 plug.